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Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Natural Living Habits
by Harith Salaam-Ron Nicholas, Sr.

 Good health begins in the colon.  The key is fiber in your diet.  Whole grains, fruits and vegetables aren’t just good nutrition, they provide fiber that tones and cleanses the colon.  Regular exercise also helps.  

The fundamental principle of true healing consists of a return to natural habits of living.   Our illnesses are due directly to our rebellion against divine will and law. 
Sickness is not natural.  Health is natural.  When we are sick, something is wrong with the way we think and live and with what we eat and drink.
To live a good and healthy life, we must fast and keep our colon clean.  Tips to support proper colon function are:
1.      Drink plenty of good, clean water.
2.      Remember coffee, tea and soft drinks don’t count.
3.      Add plenty of fiber to your diet including whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
4.      Lower the amount of refined starches,sugar and processed foods in your diet.
5.      Exercise regularly, at least 3 times per week for 30 minutes.
6.      Take care of yourself by answering when nature calls, taking time for elimination.
7.      When traveling, try to maintain a normal diet and a regular sleep schedule.
Brother Harith is a Natural Herbalist, Master Gardner. 
Contact him at:

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